
How To Rid Flies In Garden

  • 6 Ways to Get Rid Of
  • 8 Types
    • What are the types of flies?
  • Causes of Flies in the House
    • Where do flies come from?
  • How to Prevent
    • How to prevent flies from entering the premises?
  • Center
    • What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Flies Outside? Center

House Flies

Flies are vectors for more than 100 dangerous transmissible diseases, including typhoid, stomach flu, and diarrhea.

Flies are common pests around the world. They are vectors for more than 100 dangerous transmissible diseases, including typhoid, stomach flu, and diarrhea. If you have a fly infestation on your premises, here are some effective treatment methods:

  • Traps: Because flies are attracted to food sources, commercial traps with food items can help trap flies. Most traps use fly baits in a special container with a cap that makes it easier for flies to enter but hard to escape. Moreover, some pheromone (chemical scents) traps attract flies.
    • Trap fruit flies by keeping old wine in a cup. Flies will be attracted toward this and get trapped by the surface tension.
    • Keep vinegar in a water bottle with the top cut off and turn the top over to form a funnel. Insects will easily trap in this bottle.
    • Make homemade traps with decaying fruits, wine, fruit juice, or apple cider vinegar that can attract fruit flies effectively. Mix a few drops of dish soap with any homemade liquid bait in a bowl to drown the flies in the trap.
  • Zappers: Zapper bags can kill some types of flies when they are attracted to light sources. Use a sticky surface or film to trap flies when they come near to the light or zap them with electricity.
  • Flypaper: The paper coated with chemical attractant adhesives traps flies and kills them. Use homemade corn syrup to coat the paper to attract flies and hang it around the fly-infested area.
  • Fly swatter: Electric swatters can make it easier to kill flies.
  • Fly repellent: Some products can be applied to the skin or used indoors and outdoors to keep flies away. Some natural homemade repellents made from pungent-smelling essential oils such as basil, cloves, or citrus are also very helpful. Mix these oils with distilled water or vodka and spray in areas where flies gather.
  • Insecticides: Non Toxic insecticide spray can also be an effective control plan for indoor fly control.

What are the types of flies?

There are more than 120,000 fly species around the world, from which 18,000 most common fly species are found throughout North America. Some of them are as follows:

  • House flies
  • Stable flies
  • Green bottle flies
  • Black flies
  • Cluster flies
  • Horseflies
  • Fruit flies
  • Mayflies

Where do flies come from?

Flies typically hatch outside and then make their way into your home through damaged stripping, torn windows, or door screen covers. They lay their eggs in garbage cans, compost piles, excrement, and rotting organic waste. Although flies have very short lifespans, they can quickly reproduce in large numbers. Female flies lay between 75 and 150 eggs at a time.

  • Houseflies are found widespread because they reproduce quickly. They have been known to move up to 20 miles from the place where they were hatched. However, usually, they stay within 1 mile of their hatching place.
  • Fruit flies are usually found within the home because they get attracted to food waste. They enter your house along with the fruits and other food items you bring from the store.
  • Horseflies have never been seen inside the house, but they may enter your homes by accident through open windows.

How to prevent flies from entering the premises?

Here are some easy household habits that will greatly reduce and prevent the chances of fly infestation on your premises:

  • Inspect and clean indoors and outdoors, such as sluggish drains, garbage pails, and damp houseplant soil, regularly which attract flies. Get more familiar with flies' habits and their congregate places to control and prevent them.
  • Get rid of standing water, as many fly species breed and feed on it. Gutters should effectively move savage water away from your house. Clean them out regularly for debris. Keep your cesspool or sewage pit in good working order. Maintain them and repair them regularly.
  • Regularly treat the drains by spraying special foam cleaners to remove scum.
  • Eliminate points of entry for flies by replacing ill-fitting doors or window screen frames or repair any holes.
  • Close the kitchen doors while cooking, and don't keep any overripe fruit outside.
  • Regularly wipe and sweep up kitchen tops and dining tables with disinfectants whenever they become sticky with spills.
  • Clean up any waste in the yard and use a spray disinfectant on any accidental defecation by your pet inside the house. Keep your pet clean.
  • Clear decay of fruit trees such as any fruits that fall on the ground or decaying vegetation.
  • Keep the trash cans clean. Keep garbage bags sealed. Empty the trash can regularly.
  • Pay special attention to organic matter that gets trapped in gutters or around the house.
  • Use well-rotted or processed fertilizers rather than dung and fish meals.
  • Let the houseplant soil dry out between watering to prevent moisture that attracts insects.


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Medically Reviewed on 1/12/2021


Michigan State University

National Pest Management Association

How To Rid Flies In Garden


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